Katlyn Casagrande teaches Introduction to Criminal Justice, 取向 to Criminal Justice Inquiry, 修正, Research Methods in Criminal Justice, 与犯罪学.
She enjoys helping students find their passion and work towards their goals. Casagrande wants to foster student success, however that is defined for each individual student. She believes in the concept of lifelong learning; rather than memorizing facts, she wants to teach students how to evaluate information. Casagrande wants students to develop their sense of curiosity and know how to find the answers to any questions they can dream up.
Casagrande's research focuses on the mental health experiences of incarcerated populations, those who work in the criminal justice system, and criminal justice involved individuals. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, she enjoys exploring many aspects of criminal justice, from risk assessments, 对取证, 向警方, 和政策.
不教学的时候, 研究, 或建议, she can be found spending time with her dogs and crafting or reading a good book.
Katlyn Casagrande Curriculum Vitae
沃恩,. D.可怜的孩子,D. A., and Casagrande K. C. (2024). “Shifting patterns for police service during the 2021 Texas ice storm: Implications for policy and practice” in G. 科德纳和M. 莱特(Eds.) Policing Within a Crisis. 劳特利奇.
Casagrande K. (2023). An assessment of psychological distress symptoms and accessing mental health treatment among aging incarcerated persons. 修正: Policy, Practice and Research, 9(3), 409-426.
Casagrande K. & 沃恩,. (2023). Differential use of mental health treatment by race and ethnicity in prison. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 50(7), 996-1015.
Casagrande K. (2023). Prevalence of psychiatric disorders by demographics in jail populations. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 1-17.